A Revenue Cycle Turnaround Case Study
Coker Group slide.
We recommend you buy a Starbucks coffee and set aside an hour to watch the “Coffee With Coker” presentation entitled “Revenue Cycle Turnaround: Rebuilding for an Advanced ROI – A Case Study,” which is archived here.
Senior Vice President of Coker Group Jeff Gorke takes us through the components and challenges of building and maintaining a healthy revenue cycle, complete with visual aids and a carefully observed and reported case study.
Regardless of your experience with rev cycle, from wizened expert to wide-eyed neophyte, there’s something here for anyone who needs to expand their knowledge of this incredibly vital healthcare delivery component. There’s an enormous amount of material to read and view out there that can give you raw info (of varying value, frankly), but Mr. Gorke’s case study approach is particularly effective, accurate, and recommended.
And, to be honest, it doesn’t hurt that the Coker presentation makes clear that the value added by business intelligence in OrboAccess — everything from aggregating payment data across all forms of remittances from insurance payments/payers to identifying present trends which are not easily identified in typical reporting — is absolutely key in creating a solid and successful revenue cycle backbone to a healthcare enterprise of any size.