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The financial industry is undergoing an AI evolution. Review our vision for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and deep learning targeted for banking, check payments, and fraud detection.
Check recognition is the most important component in today's check processing and omni-channel capture. Learn how OrboAnywhere using OrbNet AI technology reduces costs and mitigates risk for any check image capture workflow.
Check fraud attempts have increased 3X. Learn how image forensics limit fraud losses, mitigate risk, and reduce manual intervention.
Celebrating over 25 years of innovation, OrboGraph has transformed into an AI company delivering targeted fraud prevention and automation solutions to the banking and payments industry.
From news and events to case studies, trends, and videos, this section provides a range of informational resources for payment automation, fraud detection, and innovations in payments.
OrboGraph is now publishing several blog series on a weekly basis, covering topics from check processing, fraud prevention, and AI technology. We hope you enjoy the content!
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