Trump & Clinton: 16 Quotes on Healthcare
Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr
I don’t think I’m being particularly provocative when I note that this year’s presidential race is fairly unprecedented in its … colorful rhetoric. Still, it’s important in this industry to cut through the clutter and grasp the issues that touch us as defined by both sides.
Republican candidate Donald Trump’s campaign website encapsulates his healthcare viewpoints here; Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s positions are expressed here.
One thing you can be sure of is their contrasting views on the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare — Trump vows to eliminate it “on day one”; Clinton will continue to support it.
Becker’s Hospital review has gathered a handy list of quotes from both candidates on various healthcare issues. It’s a fun list list to read through.
As with any election, its tough to know exactly what will play out after the final votes are counted. At least in November, we have a contrast to know the general direction with healthcare… or do we???