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New EFT & ACH Standards Will Streamline Payments, Create Reconciliation Problems

June 10, 2014

Established in 1996, HIPAA standards addressing major transaction types in the revenue cycle were not enough to achieve industry Administrative Simplification. Currently, less than one-half of medical claim reimbursements are made electronically. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is pushing for transformation by implementing compliance initiatives including the mandated 5010 and Healthcare Operating Rules for EFT & ERA. These are driven by CAQH-CORE (The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare – Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange).

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5 Ways Banks Can Take a Leadership Role & Help Healthcare Providers

June 6, 2014

Banks have a number of ways they can grow by offering new services in the healthcare payments space. This healthcare payments video series features interviews with Mark Brousseau, President of Brousseau & Associates. In these forward thinking interviews, Mr. Brousseau provides insight to the marketplace of healthcare payments by helping to identify the challenges in today’s market, identify a path toward streamlining revenue cycle management and offers a roadmap for banks to better support the needs of healthcare providers.

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IOFM Payments Summit Delivers Futuristic Agenda

June 5, 2014

The IOFM Payments Summit ( examined the opportunities, challenges and business drivers for emerging payments automation technologies and processes. Billers and banks need strategies for managing multiple payment channels and transitioning remittance and lockbox operations from paper checks to multi-channel electronic payments inputs. The beauty of this show was in its diversity of thought leadership and vision for the future.

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Banning Remotely Created Checks Illustrates Lack of Interest in Fraud Prevention

May 5, 2014

A recent article in American Banker highlights the Federal Trade Commission’s idea of banning remotely created checks (RCC), also referred to as Pre-Authorized Drafts (PAD) by telemarketers. These merchants create RCCs by using bank account and routing numbers, creating a “check image” for payment processing. These are unsigned checks that are governed mostly by state laws without full recourse when unauthorized transactions are made.

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Evolving from Paper to Electronic in Healthcare Payments

April 17, 2014

Former Health and Human Services Secretary and Governor of Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson is interviewed by healthcare payments expert, Mark Brousseau, President of Brousseau & Associates in Q&A Session #12. Gov. Thompson talks about how administrative simplification should move forward within the healthcare industry. Currently healthcare is behind the curve of adoption compared to other industries including many banking applications and insurance companies.

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Advice to Banks Seeking to Introduce Medical Banking Services to Healthcare Providers

April 15, 2014

Former Health and Human Services Secretary and Governor of Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson is interviewed by healthcare payments expert, Mark Brousseau, President of Brousseau & Associates in Q&A Session #11. Gov. Thompson believes financial institutions, including all banks, can add value to the revenue cycle process. Banks can be a supportive member of an integrated system for healthcare providers.

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Role of Banks in Automating Healthcare Payments

April 11, 2014

Former Health and Human Services Secretary and Governor of Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson is interviewed by healthcare payments expert, Mark Brousseau, President of Brousseau & Associates in Q&A Session #10. Gov. Thompson talks about the role of banks in automating healthcare payments. Healthcare expenditures are 20% of the GDP, so banks should want to lead the industry in order to maximize the revenue opportunities.

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Saving Up to $10 Million a Year with Automated EOB Processing

April 7, 2014

Administrative costs are a major contributor to the healthcare industry’s runaway costs. The industry spends $100 million annually to manage claims processes alone – much of it tied to costly, inefficient and error-prone paper-based processes. A major culprit of all this operational inefficiency is the delivery of payments and explanation of benefits (EOB) information, which arrive as paper most of the time, according to the McKinsey report, “Overhauling the U.S. Healthcare Payment System”.

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ICD-10 Delay Should Help Financial Institutions Sell Medical Lockbox Services

April 4, 2014

Have you heard the news? Again! ICD-10 is pushed back another year for implementation. Behind the controversy of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a tsunami brewing within the healthcare industry. Many were concerned about the overhead and conversion costs, so pressure was building as the deadline was lurking in October 2014. It might have been another “Y2K”, in that proper planning and execution would have mitigated the risks and made the transition more like a little storm rather than a tsunami… but we will never know for 2014.

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Adding Value to Practice Management Systems

March 28, 2014

Practice management (PMS) software runs the business side of healthcare, from scheduling patients to billing to generating monthly reports. Unlike with electronic health records (EHRs), selecting and overseeing a PM system isn’t typically the physician’s domain. In a large practice, it typically falls on the office manager’s or IT manager’s shoulders.

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