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Teller Image Capture – Myths and Realities: Part I

May 9, 2013

Teller Deposit Automation (TDA) is where retail banking meets payment processing. The imperatives that drive these worlds are profoundly different. The previous installments dealt with some of the business case aspects of TDA. This post touches on systems integration and related business implications. Retail banking and payment processing- shotgun wedding, a bridge too far? Let us see.

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Orbograph Takes New Orleans by "Storm"

April 22, 2013

No pun intended, but New Orleans + Orbograph Client Conference = “a hurricane of check and healthcare processing”! The Orbograph Hurricane began on Wednesday evening, April 10th, with a wonderful opening reception. Nearly 70 attendees filled the reception hall to interact and listen to a local New Orleans Jazz band. A classy and jazzy way to start!

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Who knew recognition had such an impact at BAI Payments Connect 2013?

March 8, 2013

Can you believe next week is BAI Payments Connect 2013 in Phoenix already? The theme this year is “Building a Customer Centric Payments Strategy”. It’s impressive to see the number of check recognition innovations… it covers every Payment Summit topic. Check out these developments…

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FAQ from ECCHO – a Wealth of Information

March 4, 2013

Joining the ECCHO 2013 Operations Committee meetings in Dallas was a luxury to a vendor like Orbograph. The level of details which are covered related to topics such as check clearing, check processing and deposits is not only a testament to the commitment of the organization to excellence, but explains rules and concepts which are seldom exposed within the walls of software vendors. Examples of detailed analysis and discussion topics which are invaluable include…

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Orbograph Client Conference 2013 is Just Around the Corner

February 27, 2013

Did you see our recent press release announcing our conference agenda with a star-studded line-up of presenters and topics? Join us for our Check and Healthcare Payments Automation Jazzfest where you will be blown away with an ensemble of content, networking activities and entertainment!

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Thinking Through Teller Image Capture

February 27, 2013

Check processing has always been considered a critical departmental activity which could impact customer service and the branch operations, but indirectly. With today’s popularity of teller image capture, check processing at the teller line has a much wider range of considerations. Teller image capture moves the entire capture and balance process to the front counter. The strategic implication of this move is more than just financial savings. Think about the impact it has on the customer “experience”, the employee environment in the branch, risk mitigation and work process improvement. Each category has a life of its own with many considerations.

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5 Reasons New Orleans is an Exciting Destination for the 2013 Orbograph Client Conference

February 20, 2013

No matter when you go, New Orleans is an exciting place to be. The jazz music, Cajun and Creole cuisine, European architecture, abundance of art and the deep ties to tradition all lend New Orleans to a fun and distinctively unique experience. The “Orbo conference” always has its own unique flair, throw in the highlights of New Orleans and it could get crazy April 10th – 12th…

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20% Replacement in Revenue Cycle Management Predicted in Next Two Years

February 4, 2013

The HITECH Act has stimulated the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Health Information Exchange (HIE) solutions. Additionally, the delays in the ICD-10 compliance deadline has opened a window for healthcare providers to assess their existing Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) platforms.

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Convenience – Is it Driving Banking Innovation?

January 21, 2013

According to Michael Porter, a Harvard business professor and strategy guru, a company’s long-term survival dictates that a business strategy be chosen. Three primary strategies for consideration include: dominating a specialized market, providing consumers with the lowest cost for products and/or services and differentiating services and/or products.

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Happy New Year from Orbograph

January 4, 2013

We entered into 2012 with many uncertainties. There was the economy, the fiscal cliff, the possible end of the world, the election and a questionable mortgage market. Frightening when you think about it! 2012 was dubbed the “Year of the Dragon”, and we could certainly see that many lived in fear of the dragon and the possible outcomes which could result. Looking into the Orbograph crystal ball for 2013, the outlook appears very strong! We’ve averted the fiscal cliff, financial institutions are starting to make money again and innovative products and services in banking and healthcare payments are catching on in the market.

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