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Congratulations to Orbograph Business Partners and Clients in the FinTech 100

December 5, 2014

Orbograph business partners did well in the annual FinTech Rankings of technology vendors (FinTech Forward) to the financial services industry conducted by BAI and American Banker. The study identifies the forces and trends that are motivating banks’ technology investment and ranks the top 100 companies along with their revenue generated from financial services.

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FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile (BQP) Shows Banking Industry Forging Forward

December 3, 2014

Does a 7.3% boost in earnings give you any indication of how the banking industry is doing holistically? The increase in earnings was mainly due to a $7.8 billion (4.8%) increase in net operating revenue (the sum of net interest income and total non-interest income), the biggest since the fourth quarter of 2009. The good news is that almost two-thirds of the 6,589 insured institutions reporting (62.9%) had year-over-year growth in quarterly earnings.

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New HBMA President Looks to Provide Leadership for Billers

November 14, 2014

A recent press release from The Healthcare Billing & Management Association (HBMA) announced the selection of Curtis L. Cvikota, CHBME as the organization’s newly elected president. Orbograph has been very active in recent HBMA trade shows and have observed a proactive, client focused association. This move should definitely help HBMA grow their membership and expand their reach into the medical biller marketplace.

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The Fundamentals Behind Managed Check Recognition Services

August 27, 2014

There was a great article written on the Institute of Financial Operations site called “5 reasons you should not manage OCR software internally”. The concepts and challenges for end-users to fully manage their recognition environment applies to all industries. We’ve seen how even in check processing, banks are underachieving in their check processing environments by 10%, 20% and even 30%, leaving large chunks of automation “on the table” for their employees to manage. The end result is higher labor costs, additional overhead to run the systems and negative client experience due to additional errors.

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Mobile RDC and Check Fraud: What to Think?

July 23, 2014

We have to remember that Mobile RDC is still a relatively new type of technology. The technology has made waves in supporting financial institution’s customer acquisition strategies. As new services like mobile RDC are implemented, financial institutions run risk models trying to anticipate product profitability, security risk and fraud losses. recently reported that the vast majority of financial institutions that have adopted mobile RDC technology in the last few years report few, if any, losses from the use of the technology.

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ECCHO Doing “God’s Work” for Check Payments

July 22, 2014

As “the check” gets less and less attention due to the myriad of new payment innovations, rules for check processing continues to improve. Our good friends at ECCHO continue efforts on making the check payment better and better by gathering critical, industry-wide feedback on Reg CC improvements.

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Alternate Branching Strategies to Enhance your Geographic Footprint

July 21, 2014

The summer 2014 newsletter from industry consultant, Trent Fleming, identifies important considerations for community and large banks on how to leverage technology to complement branch “brick and mortar”.

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3 Steps to Optimize the Revenue Cycle: from Transition to Transformation

June 11, 2014

Now that ICD-10 is delayed until October 1, 2015, according to the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), healthcare providers who spent millions on training and preparation now must defer the ROI benefits for another 1-2 years. So where can providers see immediate financial benefits as payments transition from paper to electronic? Look to the Revenue Cycle!

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New EFT & ACH Standards Will Streamline Payments, Create Reconciliation Problems

June 10, 2014

Established in 1996, HIPAA standards addressing major transaction types in the revenue cycle were not enough to achieve industry Administrative Simplification. Currently, less than one-half of medical claim reimbursements are made electronically. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is pushing for transformation by implementing compliance initiatives including the mandated 5010 and Healthcare Operating Rules for EFT & ERA. These are driven by CAQH-CORE (The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare – Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange).

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5 Ways Banks Can Take a Leadership Role & Help Healthcare Providers

June 6, 2014

Banks have a number of ways they can grow by offering new services in the healthcare payments space. This healthcare payments video series features interviews with Mark Brousseau, President of Brousseau & Associates. In these forward thinking interviews, Mr. Brousseau provides insight to the marketplace of healthcare payments by helping to identify the challenges in today’s market, identify a path toward streamlining revenue cycle management and offers a roadmap for banks to better support the needs of healthcare providers.

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