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Leadership in Denials Management

August 13, 2012

Exceptional leadership and innovative solutions have improved patient care and risk management. Case management and interdepartmental IT integration have improved efficiency. Streamlining patient assessment and incorporating bedside admission technological are reducing patient stress levels. However, even with all of the positive adjustments in recent years, hospitals struggle to provide high-quality continuity of care without exhausting the operating budget.

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Check the Check Before Posting the Check into Checking

August 7, 2012

Question: As check processing operations transition from centralized to distributed capture, what are the implications to image quality assurance, image usability, and image integrity?

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Can Financial Institutions Help Healthcare Providers with Healthcare Reform?

August 6, 2012

Medical lockbox environments have been around for many years now, but addressing the needs of Healthcare Providers (HCPs) is not always an easy task given the current landscape of payments combined with the uncertainty of governmental healthcare programs.

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4 Quick Tips to Help Merchant and Commercial Accounts Identify Check Fraud

July 30, 2012

Every business fears the potential losses associated with accepting counterfeit and forged checks. Although banks lose an estimated 893M per year in check fraud, the untold story of losses at the merchant/business location is more dramatic. Industry consultants have estimated these losses can be as high as $10B per year!

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Will Your Payment Solutions Be Ready for the Affordable Care Act?

July 24, 2012

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has been ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States. Even if the President loses the upcoming election, it is unlikely that the country will allow for the repeal of this new healthcare law. Under the law, as many as 35 million uninsured Americans will join the millions of those who do have health insurance. This means that insurance companies and healthcare providers of every kind and size will have to deal with great numbers of the newly insured.

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Envision More out of your Branch and Teller Image Capture

July 19, 2012

Mediocrity vs. excellence. It’s the dilemma which many financial institutions (FI) face when they implement a new system. But why are we speaking about mediocrity when the expectations for a new system is excellence? Because many times FI’s do not have processes in place to ensure success, do not hold their employees accountable and/or accept mediocre results from their vendors.

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Technology Message from Our CTO

July 17, 2012

I must state that innovation in check processing is alive and well! With all the press regarding declining volumes, “checks going away” and industry consolidation, we see a very strong interest from our customer base for the following…

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Greetings to the OrboNation!

July 12, 2012

What is the OrboNation? The OrboNation is a virtual gathering of payment processing and healthcare professionals who share an interest in industry advancements in…

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