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The Real Reason Branch Traffic is Declining… Speed

December 5, 2013

I recently interviewed our Senior Integration Support Engineer, Boaz Ron, related to how he felt about going into a branch. His thoughts were the following: if I can get a deposit done through my phone, computer or ATM in under 20 seconds, why does a teller take longer? An ATM can dispense cash faster than tellers and there is always some old slow guy holding up the line.

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Living on the Edge? Staffing with Part-timers on the Teller Line and in Operations

October 22, 2012

The article “Improving Branch Productivity with Part-time Tellers” on BAI Banking Strategies reinforces an idealistic concept which all businesses have regarding staffing, particularly in today’s economy; keep FTE (Full Time Equivalents) costs low!  The concept of employing part-timers not only supports the strategic goals of an organization to remain competitive in the marketplace, but also…

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