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Cash as a Service

It may come as a surprise to those outside of the payments industry, but handling cash — real dollars and cents — is actually not an effortless “default mode” for retail businesses. In fact, as illustrated at, handling cash is a complex, potentially expensive process:

Where there is a cash, there is a cost, and some of that is absorbed in the day-to-day running of a business: cashing up at the end of the day, issuing floats for shift changes or cash loss investigations, to name a few. It is critical that brick and mortar stores have visibility into these activities to be successful. By investing in cash management technology, merchants can reduce any unnecessary costs that don’t contribute to the bottom line.

Like check payment management, cash handling requires technological solutions — in this example, Numus Cash Payments Service — to optimize processes:

Numus Cash Payment Service is ideal for environments with a lot of cash transactions such as restaurants, fashion shops, convenience stores and supermarkets. The Numus solution automates cash management and eliminates time-consuming tasks such as counting cash, preparing deposits, managing float levels, investigating discrepancies, doing manual reconciliations, change money handling or managing CIT collections – basically anything related to cash. “We do cash as a service, so we are a cash payment provider who handles all of your cash payments from till to bank,” says Maxim Schoew, who is responsible for Business Development at Numus.

For merchants, cash is handled like a credit card. “Every cash payment goes to the till and is immediately booked into your account,” says Schoew. After each transaction, what follows becomes Numus’ responsibility. Similar to card and mobile payment residuals, all of the cash management is taken care of for a small fee, which is a percentage of each cash transaction.

Just like technology for check processing, automating the cash handling process is key in a platform modernization strategy. There are even solutions such as Vault from Digital Check that allows organizations the flexibility of processing checks alone in a back-counter environment or to process checks, cash, and coin in an integrated transaction.

This blog contains forward-looking statements. For more information, click here.

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