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A commentary at by Peter Jensen, chief executive of RocketFuel Blockchain Inc., explores the reasons the Millennial generation are not only unintimidated by cryptocurrency, but also prefer it as the digital payment of choice: As the generation that grew up during the financial crisis and the expansion of the Internet, Millennials realized the shortcomings…
Read MoreKevin Levitt, Global Business Development, Financial Services, NVIDIA, has an excellent post at examining the prevalence — and importance — of Artificial Intelligence adoption in fintechs, investment firms, and consumer banks.
Read MoreIn case you missed it, over the past month, we have published incredible content on our OrboNation Blog and Modernizing Omnichannel Check Fraud Detection. Review the latest OrboNation Newsletter online or via PDF download.
Read MoreNo, this is not a scene from a sci-fi action movie starring the immortal Arnold Schwarzenegger. As far as we know, there is no “Skynet” that has developed an artificial intelligence with the motive of eradicating all human life.
Read MoreThe Architecture, Infrastructure, and Operations Booklet is one in a series of booklets that compose the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Information Technology Examination Handbook (IT Handbook), prepared for use by examiners. As described at the FFIEC website: With the publication of this booklet, the FFIEC member agencies replace the “Operations” booklet issued in July 2004.…
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence can be a dizzying technology to understand. While the term gets tossed around everywhere you turn, it’s important for financial institutions to have a strong baseline of knowledge on the different types of AI, in order to better leverage the technology.
Read MoreRecently, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) has taken an approach similar to that of OrboGraph’s OrbNet AI Innovation Lab to bring AI technology to the financial industry; partnering with NVIDIA and Red Hat to create Borealis AI. But what is Borealis AI? And what do they do? Well, Borealis AI describes themselves as: A world-class AI research…
Read MoreIn case you missed it, over the past month, we have published incredible content on our OrboNation Blog and Modernizing Omnichannel Check Fraud Detection. Review the latest OrboNation Newsletter online or via PDF download.
Read MoreAs a subscriber to the OrboNation Blog, you have undoubtedly seen articles involving Artificial Intelligence (AI) and GPUs and how this combination of breakthrough technologies are part of the future for banking. The adoption of GPU hardware is enabling the combination of a “New Standard” for solving the difficult problems of the industry in many…
Read MoreWith “never go to a bank” Millennials becoming a bigger and bigger market force, compounded by the fact that pandemic lock-downs have encouraged even formerly tech-averse people to use online banking tools, one might think the reign of the bank and credit union physical, walk-in branch system is coming to a close.
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