OrboNation Blog
A few months ago we asked “How Will Banks React to the Blockchain?” Now it’s the healthcare sector that needs to take a good look at Blockchain and its potential integration into RCM. Here’s an excellent Blockchain primer from Blockgeeks.com using a GoogleDocs analogy: “The traditional way of sharing documents with collaboration is to send a Microsoft Word document…
Read MoreFor the sixth consecutive year, Digital Banking Report has surveyed a panel of over 100 global financial services leaders for their thoughts and predictions on retail banking and credit union trends. The crowdsource panel includes bankers, credit union executives, industry analysts, advisors, authors, and fintech followers from Asia, Africa, North America, South and Central America, Europe,…
Read MoreWithin the first months of 2017, there will be a number of important market studies released related to check volumes via FED research, fraud losses (ABA Deposit Account paper), and retail banking (BAI). As OrboGraph looks to the future in check payment innovation, we believe the following trends will feed market innovations. Check volume declines…
Read MoreIt’s the season for year-end lists – – this time, a look at revenue cycle tips for 2016 from ten healthcare experts via Becker’s Hospital Review. A few key takeaways include: Don’t lose revenue due to the shift in ACA price points. Analytics, analytics, analytics are needed to drive an optimized collection! And don’t forget…analyze your…
Read MoreAndrew Davies, Vice President of Global Market Strategy, Financial Crime Risk Management at Fiserv, makes several great points about how quicker transactions – and the customer expectations attached to that speed – can be dangerous in terms of exposing fraud and theft opportunities. (Read it HERE.) Mr. Davies describes a “perfect storm of factors,” broadly consisting of: Greater demands…
Read MorePredictions. If we’ve learned anything in 2016, it is that anything can happen. Pundits and polls? Worthless! The Cubs won the World Series, for Pete’s sake! So, a tip of our hat to the banking pros who went out on a limb to predict Wall Street activities and trends in the year to come. We’re treading unbroken…
Read MoreBAI.org offers valuable insight into consumers’ adoption of digital interaction with their financial institutions via a document entitled “Digital Banking and Analytics: Enhancing Customer Experience and Efficiency.” The downloadable PDF provides great information about current and future use of digital interactive technology among bank customers, as well as a cogent overview of future expectations that the industry…
Read MoreAs Steve McNair reports, the daily New York Times now contains more information than the 17th-century man or woman would have encountered in a lifetime. And, on top of that, we are regularly subjected to the DRIP (data rich information free) phenomena. Excel, PowerPoint, and other programs have easily created a flood of data and often…
Read MoreThe folks at Crosscheck have put together a great overview of the life of a check – – starting at the tree (now that’s comprehensive) and advancing through the various legislative and technological steps that have kept checks speedy and relevant in the digital age. They also get into the nitty-gritty of check “construction” with…
Read MoreAfter last week’s election results, the healthcare community is now on notice that there WILL BE changes in the future. The man who vowed to eliminate the ACA (“ObamaCare”) had just been elected president. Must see TV! Granted, eliminating ACA might not mean completely “eliminating,” as Trump took a more cautious approach days later (see…
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