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On Second Thought…. Checks – We Love 'Em!

April 22, 2016

In the interest of equal time – Checks? We love ’em!

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2015 Top 5 Payment Trends Are Actually Happening …

March 24, 2016

What were the top five payment trends according to BAI’s 2015 Payments Connect Publication?

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Stay on Target: Spider-Man and the Omnichannel

February 11, 2016

We’ve been talking about the Omnichannel quite a bit, both in the OrboNation blogs and around the Orbograph offices. It’s an important topic for financial institutions and retailers alike.

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Omni-Channel Strategies Demand Cross-Channel Consistency

February 8, 2016

During the Omni-Channel Capture: An Evolving Strategic Direction webinar recorded live at the RDC Summit 2015 (free for RemoteDepositCapture members here), the panelists agreed that Omni-channel delivery strategies, pioneered by hospitality and retailing companies, are becoming absolutely vital for financial services.

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Embracing the OMNICHANNEL: Banks Break Free From Legacy Systems

February 4, 2016

Before “Multi-channel” become Omnichannel, the goal was to provide multiple ways to interact with a bank and your accounts. For quite a while, the ability to check balances and make deposits by any means other than walking into a bank lobby – using a web site, ATM machine, smart phone, etc. – was novelty enough.…

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ECCHO Continues Strong Leadership, Reaches 25th Anniversary Milestone

March 26, 2015

In an era where “checks were away”, who would believe there are still 18B per year remaining. Luckily for financial institutions and the payments industry, we have an organization who providers leadership around checks; instituting rules which facilitate better, faster and more fair payments!  Thank you ECCHO. The list of accomplishments is impressive.  Check out…

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ABA Tool Looks Useful for Finding Routing Numbers for Consumers, but Will It be Helpful for Bankers?

March 24, 2015

The new American Bankers Association tool for finding routing numbers could be very helpful for consumers looking for routing numbers (also referred to as routing and transit/R&T). “Routing numbers are only issued to federal and state chartered financial institutions that are eligible to maintain an account at a Federal Reserve Bank. Accuity is responsible for the assignment…

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The Real Reason Branch Traffic is Declining… Speed

December 5, 2013

I recently interviewed our Senior Integration Support Engineer, Boaz Ron, related to how he felt about going into a branch. His thoughts were the following: if I can get a deposit done through my phone, computer or ATM in under 20 seconds, why does a teller take longer? An ATM can dispense cash faster than tellers and there is always some old slow guy holding up the line.

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Tellers Who Become Sellers Must Be Stellar

October 15, 2013

A recent article in Banking Strategies, The Strategic Implications of Tellers Selling, dissects the concept of traditional tellers evolving into sales people at the branch for walk-in clients. When presented in an orderly manner, the concept brings a fresh feel to the irony of the bank branch; leverage branch resources to drive revenue and increase transaction processing efficiency while branch volume declines. Tellers selling financial services can provide a great opportunity, but there is the possibility of “heartburn” for customer experience.

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What is the Relationship of Next Generation Check Recognition to the Top Five Retail Banking Trends for 2013?

July 19, 2013

According to an article in BAI Banking Strategies by Applied Predictive Technologies, retail banks will focus on managing the multi-channel impact of mobile banking, downsizing branches and selective investing in branch technology. The changing market dynamics due to the variables of new technologies and adoption has complicated the modeling process for the retail sector. This is an opportunity for operations to support the goals of the retail side of the bank by executing on new technologies in check processing automation. By taking a straight-through-processing orientation across the enterprise, the retail bank can focus on client needs, rather than overcoming operational limitations of systems. See how the five top trends can be optimized below with Next Generation Recognition (NGR) technology.

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