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11 Capabilities of Teller Image Capture You Need to Ask For

October 19, 2012

There are white papers galore written by the industry’s best teller image capture providers which explain the business case behind teller image capture. It’s encouraging to the market that this workflow is catching on in both large financial institutions and community banks. In fact, based on a recent flurry of large banks making decisions to move to teller image capture, the numbers for this market segment should reach nearly 60% per Celent.

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Data Entry Throughput and Cost: The Real Numbers

September 18, 2012

Over the past 15 years, Orbograph has been working with many organizations to identify the miskey rates of data entry operators. This research included: End-user banks, Data entry providers to Orbograph and Research engagements with Global Concepts and Metasoft. Part of our analysis was focused on unit costs of keying, while balancing was also an important consideration. One thing is certain, the environmental variables play a major role in the accuracy of data entry operators.

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Today’s “One-Shot” Customer Service Opportunity in the Bank Branch

September 10, 2012

With more and more retail and commercial customers utilizing online and mobile banking technology for deposits, transfers and person-to-person (P2P) activities, fewer customers are making their way into retail branches. While these advances are great as an added convenience, is does create a problem for the banking industry, particularly financial institutions promoting “personal/local banking”. Without customers interacting one-on-one with tellers and personal bankers, there is a missed opportunity on confirming customer satisfaction and up-selling other financial products. For this reason, it is vital that financial institutions capitalize on every customer that walks through the door.

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Software Integration Will Make You or Break You

August 29, 2012

Today was a record day on the system integration front. Today, we worked with an alliance partner and successfully helped them create a demonstration package, running our Accura XV check recognition software in less than one hour! Yes, you heard it, less than 1 HOUR! This amazing achievement was due to a new C# (that’s “C Sharp” for you non-technical folks) interface using state-of-the-art development tools, sample code and a simplified system development kit (SDK). With efficiency in mind for our business partners, the OrboCAR Bridge Interface (OBI) was born as a part of Accura XV.

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