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Teller Image Capture

What is the Next Generation in Check Recognition for Teller and RDC?

July 10, 2013

With successful implementations in teller image capture and remote deposit capture, we’ve accomplished one of the most difficult phases of the product development cycle… strong penetration. The business case has been proven out, solutions have achieved stability and the purchases of these services have offered a robust solution set of features. However, if we objectively evaluate the ultimate goal, straight-through-processing, we still have a major phase level in the process.

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Let the Fireworks Begin: The State of Image Capture Technologies

July 3, 2013

Vijay Balakrishnan led a spirited webinar, hosted by Orbograph, addressing The State of Image Capture Technologies. It’s always interesting to take a retroactive look at what the vision was 5 years ago, and compare that to where we are today. In Vijay’s presentation, he looked at how the vision of distributed capture overall has been realized. But there are areas where the full potential has not fully been achieved.

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Teller Image Capture- Myths and Realities: Part II

May 9, 2013

A recent post by Fraud Avengers caught our eye related to Cashier’s Checks. It’s interesting that this long time, reliable check source had become a target in many banks for counterfeiters. Fraudulent Cashier’s Checks typically become a deposit fraud loss at the bank of first deposit (BOFD) when the paying bank has strong controls in place for their incoming cashier’s checks. In order to best catch counterfeit Cashier’s Checks, a financial institution should implement strong image analysis and data analytics which can weed out items that have different check stock layouts as well as items with serial numbers out of range.

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Teller Image Capture – Myths and Realities: Part I

May 9, 2013

Teller Deposit Automation (TDA) is where retail banking meets payment processing. The imperatives that drive these worlds are profoundly different. The previous installments dealt with some of the business case aspects of TDA. This post touches on systems integration and related business implications. Retail banking and payment processing- shotgun wedding, a bridge too far? Let us see.

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Who knew recognition had such an impact at BAI Payments Connect 2013?

March 8, 2013

Can you believe next week is BAI Payments Connect 2013 in Phoenix already? The theme this year is “Building a Customer Centric Payments Strategy”. It’s impressive to see the number of check recognition innovations… it covers every Payment Summit topic. Check out these developments…

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Orbograph Client Conference 2013 is Just Around the Corner

February 27, 2013

Did you see our recent press release announcing our conference agenda with a star-studded line-up of presenters and topics? Join us for our Check and Healthcare Payments Automation Jazzfest where you will be blown away with an ensemble of content, networking activities and entertainment!

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Thinking Through Teller Image Capture

February 27, 2013

Check processing has always been considered a critical departmental activity which could impact customer service and the branch operations, but indirectly. With today’s popularity of teller image capture, check processing at the teller line has a much wider range of considerations. Teller image capture moves the entire capture and balance process to the front counter. The strategic implication of this move is more than just financial savings. Think about the impact it has on the customer “experience”, the employee environment in the branch, risk mitigation and work process improvement. Each category has a life of its own with many considerations.

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11 Capabilities of Teller Image Capture You Need to Ask For

October 19, 2012

There are white papers galore written by the industry’s best teller image capture providers which explain the business case behind teller image capture. It’s encouraging to the market that this workflow is catching on in both large financial institutions and community banks. In fact, based on a recent flurry of large banks making decisions to move to teller image capture, the numbers for this market segment should reach nearly 60% per Celent.

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Envision More out of your Branch and Teller Image Capture

July 19, 2012

Mediocrity vs. excellence. It’s the dilemma which many financial institutions (FI) face when they implement a new system. But why are we speaking about mediocrity when the expectations for a new system is excellence? Because many times FI’s do not have processes in place to ensure success, do not hold their employees accountable and/or accept mediocre results from their vendors.

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