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Software Unleashes the Potential of the ATM Channel

The days of the ATM as simple “cash-dispensing machines” are over. In order for banks to remain RDC Summit Rocks the World of Remote Deposit Capturecompetitive, they have to tailor the ATM experience to client needs and the physical context in which the ATM exists. Also, the definition of an ATM is expanding into the realm of “kiosk”…

In an interview with Aravinda Korala, the founder and CEO of ATM software provider KAL, he expresses the need for an educational process for banks:

“Many banks are not aware of ATM software’s capabilities. Often, they still think of the ATM as a ‘cash-and-dash’ machine, and for some banks this model does work. On a busy street, ATMs work better as cash dispensers. Banks do not want people using these machines to look up mortgage advice!”

“The key to omnichannel is seamlessness. It is annoying for a customer to get part-way through a transaction, switch channels, and then have to start again because data have been lost.  Some functions still do not work smoothly: for example, it should be possible to order a replacement card via a bank’s website rather than having to make a phone call.”

Kerala thinks the wave of the future is here for intelligent deployment of assisted self service ATMs, which use video to bring the customer into remote contact with a flesh-and-blood service representative. Also, thin-client platforms for ATMs are being evaluated based on environmental factors and connectivity options.

For information on how to standardize the Omnichannel experience, check out this white paper.

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