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Remote Deposit Capture

Mobile RDC and Check Fraud: What to Think?

July 23, 2014

We have to remember that Mobile RDC is still a relatively new type of technology. The technology has made waves in supporting financial institution’s customer acquisition strategies. As new services like mobile RDC are implemented, financial institutions run risk models trying to anticipate product profitability, security risk and fraud losses. recently reported that the vast majority of financial institutions that have adopted mobile RDC technology in the last few years report few, if any, losses from the use of the technology.

Read More Initiates Research on Mobile RDC Risk

March 7, 2014

With all of the excitement of Mobile RDC, the industry has yet to experience significant losses… at least those which have leaked to the public. Orbograph commends for initiating a study in this area to help identify and quantify the risk in Mobile RDC; at least anecdotally. Business-focused RDC solutions have been very beneficial for the banking industry. Not only has the value been there for businesses, but the losses have been minor across the industry.

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Retail Innovations Can Be a Little Creepy

November 20, 2013

There is a paradox in branch capacity planning right now. Retail wants more revenue, but branch transaction volumes have declined nearly 35%, according to a FMSI 2013 Teller Line Study, due to additional online products and RDC offerings; which mean less walk-in traffic. In response, technologists are trying to innovate the branch experience, while bringing a more personalized and sales-oriented encounter. In some respects, the branch is becoming less relevant, except when the customer “needs” to solve a problem and they want interaction.

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Top 10 Considerations for 2014 Budgeting in Check Processing

October 28, 2013

As we end another year of relatively stable check volumes in the financial industry, there are a number of cost-effective alternatives with excellent and proven return on investment which should be strong considerations for your 2014 budget. Although there is a decline in check volumes, it’s a stable decline, which implies predictability and less risk. Also, as product adoption curves of distributed capture points increase, a financial institution can better plan for significant improvements for each workflow.

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What is the Next Generation in Check Recognition for Teller and RDC?

July 10, 2013

With successful implementations in teller image capture and remote deposit capture, we’ve accomplished one of the most difficult phases of the product development cycle… strong penetration. The business case has been proven out, solutions have achieved stability and the purchases of these services have offered a robust solution set of features. However, if we objectively evaluate the ultimate goal, straight-through-processing, we still have a major phase level in the process.

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Don’t Dread the Shred (Part #2): Managing the Paper of Remote Deposit Capture (RDC)

November 7, 2012

In our blog post on September 4, 2012, we talked about several risk factors for merchants, banks and mobile RDC users. One of the key points of recent interest was the process of managing deposited checks for a period of time before they are destroyed or shredded; or as defined in the FFIEC guidelines, “appropriate technology and process controls should be implemented at both the financial institution and the customer’s location to address operational risk.”

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RDC Summit Rocks the World of Remote Deposit Capture

October 9, 2012

As a first time visitor to the RDC Summit, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect. Here was a targeted conference focusing on an offshoot of check processing, which many parties in the industry regard as being under-adopted. However, just the fact that an independent conference attracted over 300 attendees illustrates there is a continued interest across the board to take RDC to the next level. Additionally, the major shift in consumer and small business behavior in Mobile banking and Mobile RDC truly made this conference a winner!

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Mobile RDC: Addressing Check Disposition Concerns

September 4, 2012

Mobile banking has expanded “online banking” into the realm of immediate gratification; how perfect for today’s younger generation. But actually, it’s not only GenY-ers who want instantaneous information and accessibility. The list also includes business people, soccer moms, college students and just about everyone with a smart phone.

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Check the Check Before Posting the Check into Checking

August 7, 2012

Question: As check processing operations transition from centralized to distributed capture, what are the implications to image quality assurance, image usability, and image integrity?

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