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Check Fraud Prevention

Venmo Fraud Spike Strikes PayPal at Exactly the Wrong Time

January 15, 2019

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Venmo sustained a transaction loss rate of 0.40% in March, up from 0.25% in January, according to internal PayPal documents they reviewed. As reported in Digital Transactions: The losses sent Venmo’s first-quarter operating loss to approximately $40 million, a 40% increase over what PayPal had expected, the documents revealed.…

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Seven Fintech Predictions for 2019

January 9, 2019

Bob Legters of American Banker goes out on a limb and makes the following predictions for the new year. Visit the link for his expansion of each prediction. Legters begins with specifying things he thinks we won’t see in 2019, followed by developments he believes will come to fruition before year’s end. How many do…

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Introducing the US Faster Payments Council

December 12, 2018

The Federal Reserve, following through on plans disclosed earlier this year, formally unveiled the U.S. Faster Payments Council, an industry group charged with collaborating to spur the adoption of faster payments and identify market opportunities. According to The 22 inaugural members range from retailing giant Walmart Inc. to Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. to…

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Fortune Magazine: Credit Card Chips Not Stopping Fraud, Survey Says

December 5, 2018

Fortune Magazine is not sold on chip-enables credit cards as the fraud-stopper the tech promised.  New chip-enabled credit cards, which were rolled out to U.S. consumers starting in 2015, were supposed to put an end to rampant credit card fraud. So much for that. A new report from the research firm Gemini Advisory has…

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Beware of Inter-Related Use Cases of Payments and Check Fraud

November 15, 2018

The Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) reports in its annual study of payments fraud risks and realities that nearly 8 in 10 U.S. organizations were targets of payments fraud in 2017. What’s the best way to protect your organization? US Bank has some solid tips: Provide comprehensive training: All employees should receive training to help them…

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Automation & Tech Are Keys to Relevance for Banks

November 6, 2018 reports on a study that lends considerable weight to the concept of upgrading technology in the retail bank space: According to the 2018 Payments Industry Report from Sydney, Australia-based Accuity, the majority of financial institutions and payments providers provide customers with the validation of key payments data elements prior to remittance, and many have…

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Making Payments Faster: The Fed is All Ears

October 31, 2018 reports on the Federal Reserve’s efforts to gather input on making payments faster across all channels. Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard said, in remarks made on Oct. 3rd., that the Federal Reserve’s infrastructure underpinning payments could use a bit of modernization in a bid to support fast payments “for all.” Brainard, speaking in Chicago at the Fed…

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Check Fraud: Protect the Millennials!

October 23, 2018

Persons who are older than 30 may feel the urge to gloat about this: Millennials – – the cohort, according to the Pew Research Center, born between the years 1981 and 1996, and who watch with glee as older folks struggle with social media and Ubers – – are currently the primary target when it…

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Check Fraud: The Corporate World Provides a Big Target

October 16, 2018

While the consumer “civilian” world has pretty much learned and accepted the “don’t take checks from strangers” rule, the corporate world is both slow to adopt that guideline — and often unable to. This is due to the fact that suppliers like the “float” advantage they enjoy with check payments. (“We paid you on Tuesday…

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artificial intelligence, self learning and deep learning technologies

Economics of AI Swing Dramatically In Favor of Business

October 9, 2018

A new article about AI on the Which 50 website cites a recent report from McKinsey Global Institute that makes two vital points about Artificial Intelligence as a tool: The AI revolution is no longer in its infancy The main economic impact of artificial intelligence hasn’t yet arrived That’s what many industry pundits like to call…

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