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OrboNation Blog

FAQ from ECCHO – a Wealth of Information

March 4, 2013

Joining the ECCHO 2013 Operations Committee meetings in Dallas was a luxury to a vendor like Orbograph. The level of details which are covered related to topics such as check clearing, check processing and deposits is not only a testament to the commitment of the organization to excellence, but explains rules and concepts which are seldom exposed within the walls of software vendors. Examples of detailed analysis and discussion topics which are invaluable include…

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Orbograph Client Conference 2013 is Just Around the Corner

February 27, 2013

Did you see our recent press release announcing our conference agenda with a star-studded line-up of presenters and topics? Join us for our Check and Healthcare Payments Automation Jazzfest where you will be blown away with an ensemble of content, networking activities and entertainment!

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Thinking Through Teller Image Capture

February 27, 2013

Check processing has always been considered a critical departmental activity which could impact customer service and the branch operations, but indirectly. With today’s popularity of teller image capture, check processing at the teller line has a much wider range of considerations. Teller image capture moves the entire capture and balance process to the front counter. The strategic implication of this move is more than just financial savings. Think about the impact it has on the customer “experience”, the employee environment in the branch, risk mitigation and work process improvement. Each category has a life of its own with many considerations.

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Convenience – Is it Driving Banking Innovation?

January 21, 2013

According to Michael Porter, a Harvard business professor and strategy guru, a company’s long-term survival dictates that a business strategy be chosen. Three primary strategies for consideration include: dominating a specialized market, providing consumers with the lowest cost for products and/or services and differentiating services and/or products.

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12-12-12: The End of the Check is Upon Us

December 12, 2012

Today is 12-12-12. The number certainly holds significance in human existence as illustrated by: Apart from there being 12 hours of day and night, and 12 months in the year in the Roman calendar, there 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 Apostles, 12 days of Christmas, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 old testament prophets… you get the idea. Some say the day symbolizes love, others completeness or fulfillment. Later this month, according to the Mayan Calendar – 12-21-12 – DOOMSDAY!

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Recognition Systems Plateau Before they Grow

November 27, 2012

As I was planning for our 2013 Orbograph Client Conference, I was reviewing materials from a past years conference, and have to admit, was a little disturbed on a few memories! I remember that conference like it was yesterday. Beyond the excitement of a conference in Salem, MA around Halloween, and a really fun theme called “A Supernatural Opportunity from Orbograph”, three very distinct topics gave me flashbacks…

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11 Capabilities of Teller Image Capture You Need to Ask For

October 19, 2012

There are white papers galore written by the industry’s best teller image capture providers which explain the business case behind teller image capture. It’s encouraging to the market that this workflow is catching on in both large financial institutions and community banks. In fact, based on a recent flurry of large banks making decisions to move to teller image capture, the numbers for this market segment should reach nearly 60% per Celent.

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Data Entry Throughput and Cost: The Real Numbers

September 18, 2012

Over the past 15 years, Orbograph has been working with many organizations to identify the miskey rates of data entry operators. This research included: End-user banks, Data entry providers to Orbograph and Research engagements with Global Concepts and Metasoft. Part of our analysis was focused on unit costs of keying, while balancing was also an important consideration. One thing is certain, the environmental variables play a major role in the accuracy of data entry operators.

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Today’s “One-Shot” Customer Service Opportunity in the Bank Branch

September 10, 2012

With more and more retail and commercial customers utilizing online and mobile banking technology for deposits, transfers and person-to-person (P2P) activities, fewer customers are making their way into retail branches. While these advances are great as an added convenience, is does create a problem for the banking industry, particularly financial institutions promoting “personal/local banking”. Without customers interacting one-on-one with tellers and personal bankers, there is a missed opportunity on confirming customer satisfaction and up-selling other financial products. For this reason, it is vital that financial institutions capitalize on every customer that walks through the door.

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Even Mobile Banking Cannot Drive 100% “Online Banking” Enrollment

August 20, 2012

It is no secret that banking has come a long way in the past decade. Technological changes have played a tremendous role in expanding services which banking customers now have access to. However, are we limited by the 80/20 rule?

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