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Video – Highlights from Money20/20…Payment Innovation Is Everywhere

The Money20/20 conference this year in Las Vegas gathered an astounding array of speakers for what is called “The World’s Largest Payments & Financial Services Innovation Event.”

Artificial intelligence, online commerce, robotics, even materials handling – – the spectrum of topics covered was enormous. In case you missed the conference (or if you attended but, understandably, could not get to each and every session you wanted to) here are some video highlights featuring words of wisdom from:

As you can see, technology and innovation continue to enrich the payment spectrum. The same is going on with today’s check processing environment.

One exciting technology evolution taking place in many large banks right now is the implementation of payment hubs. These hubs are laying the foundation for integrating digital check images and electronic payments including ACH, Zelle, and Faster Payments on the same platform. This trend is very interesting because it delivers on a vision projected 10+ years ago.

OrboGraph supports this aggregation path with a single platform for payment recognition, validation, fraud, and compliance.

