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BBB Study: Job Scams Jumped During Pandemic

October 27, 2021

The Better Business Bureau has released a study that shows an increase in job scams during the COVID-19 pandemic. As reported in The Augusta Chronicle: The in-depth investigative study finds job scams increased during the pandemic, and warns job seekers to verify employment offers to avoid illegal jobs, identity theft and fake checks, some of the many forms employment fraud takes and the scams that often result. Read the full study at

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Avoiding Investment in Fraud Tools — Save Now, Pay Later

October 19, 2021

Is your organization lagging behind in fraud detection and prevention tools? Waiting for a fraud event can cost more than pre-emptive fraud prevention Fraud prevention tech is not a DYI proposition In his always-entertaining Frank On Fraud blog, Frank McKenna takes a look at businesses that are struggling to get the fraud tools and technology…

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Mastercard to Buy (Crypto) Digital-Currency Security Firm CipherTrace

October 12, 2021

Mastercard Inc. solidifies its participation in cryptocurrency Crypto fraud has steadily increased Banks will need to be aware of inevitable crossover fraud Digital Transactions, true to its name, reported a literal digital transaction as Mastercard Inc. announced last week its acquisition of CipherTrace Inc., a 6-year-old company specializing in technology to combat money laundering and…

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To Catch a Criminal, Train AI to Think Like One

October 5, 2021

It’s valuable to know how criminals and fraudsters think Some criminal traits are actually admirable when redirected AI and ML detect criminal tactics and habits that human observation can overlook Business Innovation Brief offers some streetwise advice: If you want to stop fraud activity, you have to think like a criminal. They also go one…

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OrboNation Newsletter: Check Processing Edition – September 2021

September 29, 2021

In case you missed it, over the past month, we have published incredible content on our OrboNation Blog and Modernizing Omnichannel Check Fraud Detection. Review the latest OrboNation Newsletter online or via PDF download.

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AFP: 66% of All Fraud Originates from Paper Checks

September 28, 2021

In a digital world, check fraud still leads the pack There are common “ingredients” to each fraud “recipe” Consumers can protect themselves Joshua Riggins, president of Farmers and Mechanics Federal Savings Bank, makes no bones about it in an article for the Greene County Daily World: Even in the rapidly expanding world of digital finances,…

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Ceto & Associates: Community Banks are at a Disadvantage in Fraud Detection

September 21, 2021

Community banks and credit unions are at a disadvantage. Their lack of necessary internal resources and budget to upgrade their systems and integrate new technologies compared to big banks leads to gaps in fraud coverage, automation capabilities, and outdated systems. These gaps are perilous when almost all industry numbers indicate check fraud is on the rise. Meanwhile, the banking industry is more competitive than ever as new fintech companies like Chime, Brex, and Acorn hit targeted markets. Community banks and credit unions also perform much more manual work compared to these new fintech companies.

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BAI Research: 84% of Digital Banking Customers Experienced First/Third Party Fraud Since March

September 14, 2021

infographic examining the current state of fraud in banking. Their research reveals that the #1 digital banking concern — regardless of generation — is fraud.

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BAI: The Impact of Digital Acceleration on Banking and Fraud

September 8, 2021

BAI Banking Outlook has made available an informative publication called The Impact of Digital Acceleration on Banking, based upon a survey of 600 consumers and 200 leaders of financial services organizations.

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LexisNexis Report: Cost of Fraud is On the Rise Since the Pandemic Set In

August 31, 2021

Fraud losses exceed actual monetary amount stolen Mobile is the new target International criminal organizations are significant players One of the harsh realities of fraud: actual LOSSES due to fraud exceed the monetary amount involved in the transaction. Digital Transactions reported on LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ “True Cost of Fraud” study for e-commerce and retail merchants,…

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