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Data Verification

Multi-Victim and Multi-Layered Fraud Challenges Banks

February 18, 2020

Double-layered fraud: fraudsters who actually defrauded other recruits who thought they were “in on it” – both banks and accomplices alike we defrauded. To better detect fraud, banks need to strategically align their technologies.

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Accelerated Funds Availability… The New Normal?

February 11, 2020

Accelerated funds availability allows depositors to instantly access the money they deposit via check. That way, there’s no waiting period for the check to clear and no penalty if the check writer’s account has insufficient funds. An article at BAI Banking Strategies by Victoria Dougherty, director of Payment Management Solutions, Fiserv, opens by wondering why…

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RCM and AI: Immense Benefits

January 29, 2020

  You might imagine that only persons involved in high-end technical jobs are dealing with Artificial intelligence (AI), but it’s actually used widely in an array of industries. For example, in consumer cameras like the Sony A6600, AI aids in identifying specific faces and eyes in its follow-focus feature. AI plays a role in everything…

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check processing

Y2K: A Thing of the Past or History Repeating Itself?

January 9, 2020

In today’s world, abbreviations are utilized on a daily basis. Simple contractions such as “don’t”, “couldn’t”, and “we’ll” are all commonly used in the English language. In the banking world, abbreviations are most common in the date field, as many in society choose to abbreviate the year from 01/08/2020 to 1/8/20. Seems harmless, right? Maybe…

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Time for Real-Time Payments in the Healthcare Space?

January 3, 2020

Real-time payments in the healthcare space, while catching on, are far from ubiquitous at this point. As reported by, barriers to real-time payment adoption remain, despite the benefits observed in other consumer-facing industries like insurance and financial services. The costs involved in implementing new services are among the top concerns for payment providers, of…

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2020-2030: Payments In The Next Decade

January 2, 2020

We love this time of year! It’s a week when everyone the payments industry can take a deep breath, celebrate successes, reflect, and then blog about the future. And now that 2020 is upon us, what better time to “look ahead” toward 2030! is one of the first publications to make a prediction related…

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A Look Back – and Looking Forward to 2020

December 24, 2019

And another year comes to a close! It’s been our pleasure to share observations, insights, and solutions from across the industry via the OrboNation Blog. As 2019 comes to end, we have much to be thankful for. Most importantly, however, we’re thankful for the clients and customers that are crucial to OrboGraph’s success. Looking back,…

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Intelligent Automation & Cloud-Specific Services for FI’s

December 18, 2019

As part of a recent series of blog posts about Intelligent Automation, Adam Swinglehurst of Accenture offered the chart below to illustrate the necessary “overlap” as AI solutions develop and improve. The role of intelligent automation is important to Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) across the globe. CFOs seek to drive efficiencies, create team capacity, meet…

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Don’t Keep Checks in Your Wallet!

December 11, 2019

If you’ve seen the Leonardo DiCaprio movie Catch Me If You Can, then you know who Frank Abagnale is, and why he’s a good guy to listen to when it comes to protecting yourself from fraudsters – – he is (or was) the best, after all. Abagnale is using his powers for good these days,…

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Financial Crime Alert: Couple Learns That Life Is Not a Monopoly Game

November 12, 2019

Just when you thought you heard it all when it comes to financial crimes, here comes … accidental? A Pennsylvania couple thought they were tokens on a Monopoly board when they had $120,000 mistakenly deposited into their bank account. As far as they were concerned, they’d passed “GO” and picked a pretty good Community Chest…

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