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Modernizing Omnichannel Check Fraud Detection

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How B2B Payments Fraud Hides Within The Enterprise

September 15, 2020

OnPay Solutions President and CEO Neal Anderson minced no words in a recent interview with wherein he discussed B2B payments fraud trends, including the growing threat of internal fraud. He went on to explain that organizations need to prepare themselves to address and mitigate the fraud threat, even as employees work from home.

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How an Auto Dealer Was Almost Swindled via a $33k Check

September 8, 2020

BG Motor Cars owner Noman Beg was on vacation when he took a look at his bank account — and noted, with considerable alarm, that a check had been written against his account for $33,525. Problem was, he had not written that check, nor did he foresee being able to cover it alongside normal expenses in the near future.

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The Check 21 Act and Its Impact on Check Fraud

September 1, 2020

The “Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act,” also known as “Check 21” or “Check 21 Act,” launched on Oct. 28, 2004. Many are unaware that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001—which grounded planes and caused major delays in check processing (preventing the transport of canceled checks to Federal Reserve banks)—was actually the event that spurred passage of Check 21.

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Amazon Leverages Machine Learning to Fight Counterfeits and Fraud

August 25, 2020

While we mainly explore fraud and counterfeit scams from the payment side of things, it should be noted that the popularity of online shopping — particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic — has created a new breed of fraudster that creates and sells fake products. Meanwhile, Amazon is not immune from fraudsters, as reported in WIRED Magazine:

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COVID-19 Fraud: $100 Million in Losses and Counting

August 19, 2020

Motley Fool’s The Ascent recently took look at FTC statistics in order to get a handle on mounting COVID-19 fraud losses losses to persons and businesses. COVID-19 fraud is defined in this case as any type of scam, fraud, or identity theft related to the novel coronavirus. Key findings from the report include: As of August 10, 2020, Americans have reported over 160,000 cases of fraud and losses of over $106 million.

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Florida Man Turns $35 Printer Purchase Into a Porsche

August 11, 2020

A story from the New York Post features Case William Kelley, 42, who utilized a home printer to create a fraudulent check to successfully purchase a Porsche from an Oklahoma Dealer. This may sound like fake news…

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Nigerian Email Scammer – ELITE Division

August 4, 2020

Nigerian “419 scammer” goes big time “Hushpuppi” portrayed himself as successful and wealthy to recruit and fool victims It was a small error that eventually snared him By now, the phrase “Nigerian email scammer” has become a cliche to the extent that one wonders if they actually exist in the literal sense — a person…

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Check Fraud is Boosting Overall Financial Fraud

July 28, 2020

An article by Antoinette Burnside, assistant vice president and product manager for Kennewick-based Community First Bank and HFG Trust, appeared in the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business, describing how pervasive check fraud is feeding financial fraud in general.

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US Treasury Fraud Prevention Resource Warns Against COVID-19 “Money Mule” Schemes

July 22, 2020

Among the myriad fraud schemes emerging during the COVID-19 crisis are “money mule schemes.” A money mule is “a person who transfers illegally acquired money on behalf of or at the direction of another.” These are scams that, frankly, take advantage of the desperation some persons and businesses feel due to to COVID-19 economic impacts. In this climate, actors are able to fairly easily deceive otherwise savvy victims by impersonating federal government agencies, international organizations, or charities.

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The Prevalence of Invoice Fraud in Businesses

July 16, 2020 looks at the startling emerging story of a Germany payments company called Wirecard, where as much as $2.1 billion may be unaccounted for.

The story notes that “even the largest companies with the most resources to digitize and combat fraud are not immune to the risk — from both within and outside of, the organization.”

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