OrboNation Blog
It was only a few weeks ago that we reported that Bitcoin is trading on Wall Street in the futures market, and all of the persons who’d jumped on that train early were being hailed as forward-thinking geniuses. In a bit of an anti-holiday spirit message (well – they mention Santa at one point), Huffington Post…
Read MoreOf course, the best way to handle claim denials is to prevent them in the first place. That’s why this recent list of denial prevention strategies from Becker’s is something no denial manager should miss. We believe though that it has a problem. Boiling down denials to a list like this obscures the fact that…
Read MoreYou might have heard of some of these “far-out” denials from an HME NewsPoll, but they really are worth a review… …a Medicare prescription denied because it was “written by a girl.” …an agency had a beneficiary “listed as dead, then alive, then dead again.” …multiple providers receiving denials for wheelchairs intended for amputees and…
Read MoreThe 2017 ONC Annual Meeting, held November 30th to December 1st in Washington DC, was all about healthcare interoperability and health IT usability this year. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is organizationally located within the Office of the Secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and leads the…
Read MoreOne reason check volume has stabilized is due to the marriage of the “tech evolution in check capture” and old-school paper…made possible by remote capture apps that are offered by nearly every major bank. The 2016 Mobile Deposit Benchmark Report, released Sept. 14 and put together by Futurion, a fintech and digital commerce research firm, makes a strong…
Read MoreBecker’s announcement on CMS’ DME prior authorization rule came a while back, but CMS’ stance on prior authorization is likely still causing denial issues for your facility today. The Backstory Just as 2016 was about to round the corner, CMS issued a rule requiring prior authorization before Medicare would reimburse DME that had been found…
Read MoreWe recommend you buy a Starbucks coffee and set aside an hour to watch the “Coffee With Coker” presentation entitled “Revenue Cycle Turnaround: Rebuilding for an Advanced ROI – A Case Study,” which is archived here. Senior Vice President of Coker Group Jeff Gorke takes us through the components and challenges of building and maintaining…
Read MoreA recent report from Grand View Research reveals a potentially hidden threat to telemedicine programs. We’re all aware that chronic disease is a growing problem around the world, but did you know that the diabetic foot ulcer treatment market alone is valued at over $3.15 billion? Statistics like that mean the results of a report…
Read MoreFraud prevention solutions have evolved significantly in the past 3-5 years in terms of improved analytics, business intelligence, risk scoring, image analysis, platform deployment, and decision support. However, the deployment cycles of these solutions can be complex and challenging. When you weigh IT overhead, project costs, systems integration, security, infrastructure — just to name a…
Read MoreEHR Intelligence reports on a whopping sixty-two Indiana hospitals being sued in a federal civil lawsuit for allegedly falsifying records and participating in a kickback scheme, primarily by overbilling for the release of patient Electronic Health Records. As reported in The South Bend Tribune: Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in Mishawaka,…
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