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RDC & Mobile

The Digital Pound: The Future of Payments in the UK?

July 13, 2023

Digital currency has been a topic of discussion for many years now. Most have heard of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies; yet no digital currency or cryptocurrency has made a strong enough case as a viable replacement for current payments. One major drawback — or advantage, depending on who you ask — is that cryptocurrencies are…

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Fintech Core Providers: Plug-and-Play Key for Bank & Credit Union Transformation

July 6, 2023

Core processing platforms are the lifeblood of the banking system. Without these systems, banks would be operating in the “stone age,” manually processing and tracking transactions. Over the past few decades, these platforms have been able to handle all types of transactions and payments, from credit cards to checks. However, with technology evolving, new payments…

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OrboNation Newsletter: Check Processing and Fraud – June 2023

June 30, 2023

In case you missed it, over the past month, we have published incredible content on our OrboNation Blog and Modernizing Omnichannel Check Fraud Detection. Review the latest OrboNation Newsletter online or via PDF download.

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Selecting the Right Technology: Generative AI vs. Traditional AI for Banking

June 29, 2023

Accenture recently released a report entitled A New Era of Generative AI for Everyone, which explains why generative AI is the ultimate “co-pilot” for human capabilities — and how it will “transform work and reinvent business.” ChatGPT has become a household name — and it’s only been known to the mainstream for six months. The Accenture…

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Modernizing Financial Services: More Than Just Automation

June 22, 2023

Automation is a key topic that we have talked about in the past. As noted in an article from, “many financial services organizations have already begun the process automation journey. For some, the pandemic was a forcing function to adopt digital services. For others, digital transformation drives a sense of urgency around automation.” Jakob…

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Australia Announces End of Cheques by 2030… Will History Repeat Itself?

June 15, 2023

For many, many years we’ve heard about the “imminent extinction of the check” — and, in the meantime, it remains a much-used payment vehicle. Predictions of the demise of checks from industry pundits have remained largely overblown, as 13B checks were written in 2022. But this is just for the United States. An article at…

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AI in Banking: Google Making Headway

June 8, 2023

JLL’s new 2023 Banking and Finance Outlook indicates that banks and financial services companies are “prioritizing and strengthening their investments in technology to increase speed, resiliency and drive cost efficiency.” In their immediate sights is development of artificial intelligence solutions. These companies are anticipated to spend an additional $31 billion worldwide by 2025 on artificial intelligence (AI),…

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Nvidia’s Market Cap Reaches $1 Trillion, Demonstrating Importance of GPUs in Banking

June 1, 2023

Yahoo Finance reports that, this past Tuesday, Nvidia (NVDA) — founded in 1993 by Jensen Huang, Chris Malachowsky, and Curtis Priem — recorded a landmark achievement in becoming the first chipmaker ever to reach a market valuation of $1 trillion. The Santa Clara, Calif.-based chipmaker became the ninth public company to ever hit the $1…

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OrboNation Newsletter: Check Processing and Fraud – May 2023

May 26, 2023

In case you missed it, over the past month, we have published incredible content on our OrboNation Blog and Modernizing Omnichannel Check Fraud Detection. Review the latest OrboNation Newsletter online or via PDF download.

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AI Tech for Community Banks and Credit Unions: Fintech Vendors Must Step Up

May 25, 2023

Many people in today’s financial services industry applaud the emergence of AI technology as an excellent equalizer for financial institutions, allowing community banks and credit unions a level of parity with their larger competitors. After all, it’s just a matter of recognizing and embracing the emerging AI technology, right? It turns out things are not…

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