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Healthcare Payments Firm InstaMed Bought by JP Morgan

June 11, 2019

CNBC reports that J.P. Morgan is paying more than $500 million for the medical payments technology firm InstaMed, a bold move into the $3.5 trillion market for U.S. health-care spending. It is the lender’s largest takeover since buying Bear Stearns and the bank assets of Washington Mutual in 2008, according to people with knowledge of…

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Contentious Negotiations Highlight 2019 Payer & Provider Trends

May 30, 2019

HealthcareDive takes a look at changes and trends it anticipates in the coming year, mainly due to political ripples from Washington (for instance, a judge’s declaration that the Affordable Care Act is no longer constitutional) and emerging consumer preferences. Their snapshot of a few big trends for the payer and provider crowds to watch for…

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Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Uses Tools Similar to Healthcare EOB Processing

May 7, 2019

In news that is encouraging to millions of individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease, Scientific American reportson researchers from the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam who suggest AI and Machine Learning — already making waves in other industries — could eventually allow automated screening and assisted diagnosis of various forms of dementia, particularly…

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REPORT: Health Providers Coming Up Short on Consumer Experience, Patient Payments

April 25, 2019

InstaMed has released a report that should act as a wakeup call for the health industry as a whole and health providers specifically. Even before you download the report PDF, there’s a striking chart that gets right down to business. Here’s an excerpt: Some additional relevant data from the report: 61% of patients said they…

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Survey Reveals Growing Provider Interest in RCM Tools

April 11, 2019

HealthCareDive reports on a Connance survey revealing that 70% of providers claim it takes more than a month to collect from patients, and a 2017 Advisory Board analysis found that the average 350-bed hospital lost up to $22 million in revenue due to revenue cycle issues. The “Deep Dive”: Providers are increasingly turning to payment…

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SNL “Cheques” Parody Shows Checks are Alive and, Well…

April 2, 2019

Saturday Night Live debuted in 1975, meaning that if you were a member of the generation that watched the first seasons of the show, you’re in “the demographic that clings to checks.” according to the pundits. This past weekend, SNL enlightened viewers as to a few exaggerated benefits of “cheques” that we normally don’t promote…

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“Lack of Urgency” Lags Healthcare Payments

February 22, 2019

A newly released research report from Business Insider Intelligence makes the case that, compared to other industries, the United State Healthcare industry has been slow to embrace new payment systems and processes. They point out, for instance, that approximately 77% of healthcare providers still use paper-based patient billing methods, according to an MGMA and Navicure…

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HIMSS19: The Year of Artificial Intelligence

February 15, 2019

This year’s education schedule at the HIMSS Conference, held this week at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, is awash in AI-related material, notes HealthCare Innovation in a post this week. To name a few: Session MLAI03, “Keynote: Synergies Between Man and Machine”; Session MLAI04, “State of the Industry: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence…

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legacy technology

The 2019 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference: “It’s the Platform, Stupid!”

January 18, 2019

As is his tradition, Dan Michelson, CEO of Strata Decision Technology, took his best shot at condensing the presentations he’d seen at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (last week in San Francisco). Over 40,000 players were in town from every corner of the healthcare ecosystem. However, if you want to hear the heartbeat of what’s happening at…

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Venmo Fraud Spike Strikes PayPal at Exactly the Wrong Time

January 15, 2019

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Venmo sustained a transaction loss rate of 0.40% in March, up from 0.25% in January, according to internal PayPal documents they reviewed. As reported in Digital Transactions: The losses sent Venmo’s first-quarter operating loss to approximately $40 million, a 40% increase over what PayPal had expected, the documents revealed.…

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