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Robotics Process Automation vs Artificial Intelligence for RCM

September 1, 2020

With the myriad of buzzwords and technologies swarming the healthcare industry, especially in revenue cycle management, it have even more difficult for many to understand and identify which technologies are the most useful for their particular business or process. Fear not, we are here to help cut through the clutter and clarify a topic that has cause much confusion: What is the difference between Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

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Automating the Revenue Cycle: Give Time Back to Staff & Cut Costs

August 27, 2020

A common misconception, especially in revenue cycle management (RCM), is that automating processes by integrating technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies will replace employees and eliminate jobs. This perception can be traced all the way back to when machines replaced labor in many manufacturing jobs like the automotive industry and is continually being fueled by the media with the story lines such as AI-powered trucks will replace truck drivers.

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NVIDIA Data Centers’ Importance to Real-Time Check Processing

August 26, 2020

By now, many of you have heard of the arguments between utilize GPU vs CPU. provides a simple explanation on the reasoning behind the need for GPUs for machine learning:

GPUs are optimized for training artificial intelligence and deep learning models as they can process multiple computations simultaneously.

They have a large number of cores, which allows for better computation of multiple parallel processes. Additionally, computations in deep learning need to handle huge amounts of data — this makes a GPU’s memory bandwidth most suitable.

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Amazon Leverages Machine Learning to Fight Counterfeits and Fraud

August 25, 2020

While we mainly explore fraud and counterfeit scams from the payment side of things, it should be noted that the popularity of online shopping — particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic — has created a new breed of fraudster that creates and sells fake products. Meanwhile, Amazon is not immune from fraudsters, as reported in WIRED Magazine:

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Health IT Execs Unhappy With EHR-Based Analytics Packages

August 21, 2020

Technology just keeps getting better and better, right? Not always. A recent survey of health IT leaders reveals that they are most often unhappy with their electronic health record (EHR) packages. Healthcare IT Today reports on a survey 108 healthcare leaders about their use of analytics platforms. It starts out with some fairly positive data:
90% of these organizations reported using the analytics in their EHRs.

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Imagine The Impact of Real-Time Check Deposits!

August 20, 2020

Check writers and depositors have become accustomed to a next day or two day check clearing process for the majority of items. But when an extended clearing process does happen, i.e. 2-3 days, it becomes a real inconvenience, especially for millennials accustomed to instant digital payments, or for those folks who still get payroll checks. There are many other examples.

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COVID-19 Fraud: $100 Million in Losses and Counting

August 19, 2020

Motley Fool’s The Ascent recently took look at FTC statistics in order to get a handle on mounting COVID-19 fraud losses losses to persons and businesses. COVID-19 fraud is defined in this case as any type of scam, fraud, or identity theft related to the novel coronavirus. Key findings from the report include: As of August 10, 2020, Americans have reported over 160,000 cases of fraud and losses of over $106 million.

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Healthcare Professionals on TikTok, SNL Healthcare Skit & Jimmy Kimmel

August 18, 2020

Healthcare professionals across the globe are taking to the social media platform TikTok to spread a bit of joy with others by performing everything from a short dance clip! And, in a time where many people are choosing at home as much as possible, who couldn’t use a smile and bit of entertainment? Healthcare workers…

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Primary Care: A Crisis Ahead?

August 13, 2020

The New Yorker Magazine takes a close look (via Clifford Marks, an emergency-medicine resident at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) at how primary care practices and physicians are taking it on the chin due to the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Helping Big Banks Overcome Cloud Paralysis

August 12, 2020 explores the various hurdles banks face when taking that big — and increasingly necessary — step. They note that migrating to the cloud is a vital tool traditional financial institutions (FIs’) will need in order to compete with digital-native FinTechs.

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