Craigslist can be a handy resource for buying and selling goods and services — and it is also a very popular vehicle for scammers deploying simple check fraud tactics. On YouTube, Traveling Director demonstrated a common Craigslist scam by offering some furniture for sale. His asking price was $300, but he had “buyers” consistently send checks for much, much larger amounts of money. It’s interesting to see the range of quality in the forgeries — a couple of the checks he received are downright amateurish.
Read MoreLast week, we took a deep dive into a video by Mythbusters on CPU vs GPU, detailing how GPU provides a higher rate of speed and accuracy than CPU, essential for check processing and fraud detection. But, why are GPU processors necessary for artificial intelligence and machine learning?
Read MoreWe have to admit feeling a bit of satisfaction when seeing a scammer get scammed. That’s why this YouTube video is so entertaining. Wanting to document a step-by-step scam — and trip up the scammer at the same time — YouTuber Ben Taylor, whose channel is called Pleasant Green, is known for scam-baiting and scam-foiling. He tried to be voluntarily sucked into a classic “job posted on the internet” scam after hearing about a friend-of-a-friend being entangled.
Read MorePatientEngagementHIT.com examines the growth of patients consumerism and its impact on the healthcare industry. “Consumerism in healthcare regularly tops the list of C-suite priorities, with most organizations knowing they need to adapt to new patient behaviors to survive in a competitive industry. Health IT developers, healthcare payers, and policymakers alike are also working to acclimate to a world where the patient is also the medical consumer.”
Read MoreBack in August, we explored the importance of Nvidia’s data centers to real-time check processing. The blog post garnered a huge amount of attention from our readers, yielding requests to take a deeper dive of the featured video from Mythbusters and the subject of GPUs vs CPUs.
Read MoreOrboGraph’s Exploration of Check Fraud in 2020 is a compendium of data gathered from a short, focused survey which was designed to “take a snapshot” of check fraud trends for 2020.
Read MoreWith healthcare organizations seeing lower volumes of patients for routine and elective procedures, the industry is having to withstand massive losses. While healthcare revenue for each organization depends on many factors, the American Hospital Association (AHA) reports that hospital operating margins are still down 28% year-to-date compared to 2019.
Read MoreThe Amazon Web Services website reports that Capital One is completing its migration as the first US Bank to go all-in on the cloud — and it’s making waves in the industry. “Capital One, one of the largest banks in the United States, announced in November 2020 that it had completed the migration from all eight of its on-premises data centers to Amazon Web Services (AWS), becoming the first US bank to report that it was all in on the cloud.
Read MoreSimply put, check washing means you procure a check or checks by whatever means necessary, remove the amount and “pay to” information (the “washing”), and alter it to serve your own nefarious purposes. No chart needed. Not even a printer.
Read MoreAs we noted in our Check & Fraud recap earlier this week, the ORBOIMPACT VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, our two-day online event — which covered Healthcare Payments on Thursday, October 29, and Banking & Payments on Friday, October 30 — was a huge success! Industry speakers coupled with OrboGraph experts focused on AI innovation and payment strategy helped drive strong attendance, while innovative polling encouraged attendee participation and interaction.
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